the holiest science

Is there such a thing as a Holiest Science? Yes there is but it takes big-time guts and some don’t have it.


It’s actually a very simple thing but the simplest things are often the most misunderstood. The physical sun could be a front for some kind of metaphysical sun. It’s a metaphor for my courage basically.
The sun doesn’t buy domain names and develop them into starter sites, but people do. At least we can’t see the sun buying domain names, but hey, maybe it does.     
hs2“The time has come in the history of the domain developer’s journey from his material jungle to his spiritual mountain top when it is imperative that he must live more and more in the cosmic Light universe of knowing, and less in the gossipy realm of small time speculating and addictive purchasing. 
hs6The domain investor must know that his power lies in the stillness of his centering Self and not in the motion by means of which he manifests that stillness. He must know that his Self is God in him. Also he must know gradually the dawning awareness of the cosmic Light of God in him, for with it comes an awareness of his purposefulness in manifesting the Light and the power to manifest it.”      Walter Russell, The Secret of Light
” …….  The Sun hides an etheric planet (orb) which is an entrance leading to the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, which holds within itself the first principle of the emanation of the Father’s Eternal Light, The Solar King. The Holy Father principle within the Cosmic Spiritual Sun is what gives light to all things in the Universe. The awakening Holy Father is heralding the reappearance of the Cosmic Christos principle in our Solar System… link   “
hs19“All masterful domain name developers and website makers (properly monetized always) in any line think positive thoughts, which they put into action with intensive desire tested and tempered by balanced judgement. ”   ― partly attributed (with liberties) to Walter Russell, THINK – WALTER RUSSELL IBM LECTURE SERIES
And there might well be a Sun of Love which is behind and transcendent to, the physical sun. This love-sun makes all domain purchases a sensible thing with no wasted funds, ever. And all sites become properly functioning services. Some folks have powerful spiritual experiences because they refuse to feed the negative energies of sloth and laziness. You can’t talk about it either because that would put the risk on you. There is an obvious kind of courage that leads to unlimited attaining but the effort on this is all mind and a strong mind wins, the weak mind gets chopped down.
There are very ancient teachings that deal with strategy. The Chinese had many famous books of this type.
In one of them, the advice is given to “keep your friends close to you, but keep your enemies even closer”. The idea here is that you have to know what your enemies are up to. You have to be close in the sense of knowing all about their inclinations.
There is also the advice of luring your rampant enemies into a honey-trap where they think they will be able to rip your apart. The idea behind this is to lure them into a place where they can actually be exposed fully. The bait is the idea of besting you but the real prize is having them fully exposed.In that sense it sometimes pays to “act like a wounded partridge” that is actually protecting its young. Animals seem to have all the strategies laid down, and the human follows their lessons.


gathering the evidence